Laser Acne Treatment for Teenage and Adult Acne acne and scar removal

Written By JO on Monday, October 24, 2011 | 7:29 PM

Acne laser treatment is a proven and effective way of dealing with teeange and adult acne. Our laser powerful, yet gentle reduce the ugly dark red marks left by large unsightly stains and reduce the number and frequency of spots on the face, back, neck and shoulders.
Proven, effective laser treatment for reducing acne and scar removal. Book a consultation at our London clinic today and say goodbye to unsightly acne.

We combine the use of laser treatment of acne with effective medical treatment as an additional weapon in the fight against acne.

You can see our clinic and skilled nursing Lee Garrett speaking at the BBC about laser acne treatments here

How does laser treatment for acne?

Acne is a disorder of the follicles in the skin resulting in excess fat and skin that often becomes infected with bacteria called P. acnes. Your body responds by trying to eliminate the infection and bacteria. The result is a bunch of inflammation in the follicle and unfortunately, a big ugly red.
In Freedomhealth we have developed a sophisticated approach to acne upset with our specialized Sciton laser.
Using the broadband platform on Sciton laser light, Lee Garrett heal the deep dark color marks the points out. The device gently and painlessly BBL heats the surface layers of the skin on and around acne damage. This has the effect of killing the bacteria P. acnes, reducing redness and allows collagen remodeling and calm of more active sebaceous glands, reducing oil production.

How can you treat acne scars?
Whether as a treatment alternative or later, Garrett Lee uses the laser to reshape ProFractional the upper layers of the skin, reduce scars and replenish the collagen beneath the damaged area. The laser acne treatment ProFractional is calibrated to make tiny holes in the target tissue damaged, leaving the tissue surrounding each micro-column. These areas are not damaged after helping heal quickly resulting in rapid repair of damaged skin by acne.
These two laser acne treatments can be combined both the model re-scars and replenish collagen and reduce redness and scars without the unpleasant side effects of some medications for acne such as Roaccutane.

Are there different types of acne scars?
Yes, absolutely. The results of the first type of increased tissue formation at the site of acne usually appears as a raised area in red and often itchy. Different genetic backgrounds and ethnicity is often relevant while skin color keloids tend to form a very similar condition can occur in the white skin too. These hypertrophic scars or keloids are often difficult to treat. Occur due to over-active in the healing of the original acne lesion. They can be treated by aplying ether silicone gel through the application of small leaves or use a massage gel. Alternatively, they may be carefully injected with small amounts of steroids gradually reduce the area. This must be done carefully and slowly.
The second type of acne scar is caused by tissue loss rather than too much. They offer a variety of scars including ice-pick scars and deep-fibrotic scars attached. You can try a variety of media, including local anesthesia subcision where a needle is sharp and the area under the scar theres is divided, releasing the tissue on it. Often introduces some additional moisturizer in the area with a small injection of Restylane. This helps keep the skin hydrate and divided allowing less chance of scar formation.

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